Adhesive paper is the same as regular satin photo paperbut with an adhesive backside. Although an adhesive backside is not something that wehumans desire, it makes adhesive paper even more amazing! You can print a photo and then peel off the backing to stickit anywhere you like. It turns yourfavorite photo into a sticker that you can share with others or friends.
Are you excited about adhesive photo papers yet? I know I am. These are just a few suggestions to help you get started.
Use adhesive photo paper to brighten up your day
1. Make a close-up photo of your goldfish and adjust the sizeto fit your fish. It's worth printing andsticking it to the side of your fishbowl to see if people notice.
2. You can take aclose-up picture of your goldfish. But instead of sticking it on your fishbowl,
you can stick it onto the blender's side.
3. Do youremember that photo of your mother she hated? The one with her hair up one side and her mouth open toyell/nag at one of her children. You canprint it and attach it to her mirror every morning. It would be even more impressive if it were life-sized.
4. You can takephotos of you and your friends in action and attach them to cardboard. A cereal box works well. Take your action figures to the supermarket, and watch whathappens!
5. Stick imagesof rubber ducks all around the bathtub
6. Stick photosof real ducks all around the tub.
7. Yourthree-year old can be used to "label" your briefcase. A sweet studio photo is best if your family is more formal. You can also use the studio picture if your family is louderor more wild than others.
8. Create someself-portraits for your return address labels. You can even make some labels for yourself and give themaway.
9. If yourrefrigerator looks like a disaster, take a photo of it (preferably from a scary
angle that emphasizes the lasagna spillage on the bottom shelf) and label it
with "Never again." Clean thefridge. You might also want to take aphoto of the fridge.
10. Create aposter featuring your family that spoofs a popular movie.